Silver Creek and Greenwood Families: Your family night is this week!
**Monac, McGregor and Meadowvale have been added as well!
*Guardian Supervision Required

"Hassan Moore (Greenwood Classroom Aide) gives his all everyday. He works so well with all students and they respect and appreciate him so much. Daily we see him in the classroom helping students with their work, on the playground playing football with the kids or talking a student through a tough time. He is such an inspiration to our students and staff. He is always there for anyone who needs help and is so genuinely kind. He is the perfect mentor and role model for our kids. He loves his job and you can see it in his selfless work. We are so grateful to have him on our staff. Thank you Hassan for all you do! Your Greenwood family loves you!"
Mr. Moore is dedicated, committed and passionate about helping our students be the best people they can be. We are so profoundly grateful to him for choosing WLS!

"Katlyn is a whiz at everything- from being a leader to teaching ELA. Always bringing in innovative ideas, she keeps it fun in class while still teaching critical skills. She also forms relationships that serve as a strong base for academics to flourish. "

Silver Creek and Greenwood Families: Your family night is this week!
*Monac, McGregor and Meadowvale have been added as well!
*Guardian Supervision Required

"This man consistently takes care of our students in the best ways! He provides meals when they are hungry, support when they are hurting, correction when they need it and even a few dollars when they are in need. Officer Brian Meyer, THANK YOU for holding high standards and expecting big things from WLS kids!"
We are so proud to call you ours!

Huge thanks to Local 351 for hosting an open house at their Training Center. WHS Construction Seniors had the opportunity to meet contractors and vendors as well as experience what carpenters, millwrights, and floor layers do. Invaluable learning!

Yesterday was National Poetry Day and Ms. Susor's Freshman English did a great job in the courtyard activating all 5 of their senses! We love our poetic Panthers!

"Just a couple SUPER women right here! Gaylene & Nicole run Hiawatha's kitchen like a well-oiled machine. They take time every day to make students and staff feel special and loved. EVERYONE LOVES GOING TO MAMA MCGRATH'S KITCHEN!"
Every single day: they rock!

Meadowvale/Monac/McGregor Families: Your family night is tonight!
*Guardian Supervision Required
Coming up: Silver Creek, Greenwood 10/11

"As the head of Maintenance, Nate Brown is someone that I can count on to always come through and help me make sure our building works for students, families, and staff. I have worked with Nate to install sinks that are wheelchair accessible, put changing tables in the restrooms, fix sidewalks, install new air conditioners, and help a family with a new bike. While Nate would say it's all a part of the job, he takes care of over 10 buildings and their grounds each day and I know he is a very busy man, so the time he has taken to answer my messages, calls, and to show up in person to help me problem solve is very much appreciated!"
Nate never stops checking things off his to-d o list, even as we all keep adding to it!
What a gift he is to WLS!

"Ms. Caris goes above and beyond for her students and she makes sure to take care of all the people around her. She is a student-first educator who does everything she can to help our students. Also, she is one of the hardest working people I have ever worked with."

Whitmer, Washington and Jefferson Families: Your family night is tomorrow 10/4! *Guardian Supervision Required
Meadowvale, Monac, McGregor 10/5
Silver Creek, Greenwood 10/11

Staff-to-Staff Shoutout:
"Carli has stepped up in big ways at Shoreland this year. She does a fantastic job juggling her full plate & still finds ways to help students who need her daily. On top of her already hectic schedule, she is always finding ways to 'be there' for kids!"

Our buildings (and our students' smiles!) shine every day because of the work of these wonderful humans. We are so grateful for our WLS Custodial Crew!

Meadowvale/Monac/McGregor Families: Your family night is this week!
*Guardian Supervision Required
Coming up: Silver Creek, Greenwood 10/11

Whitmer/Washington/Jefferson Families: Your family night is this week!
*Guardian Supervision Required
Meadowvale, Monac, McGregor 10/5
Silver Creek, Greenwood 10/11

Vote for this outstanding WLS Partner, who provide meals to our favorite humans!

Yesterday Mr. MacKenzie's Biology 2 and Environmental Science students released captive-raised monarch butterflies in our own prairie. They were tagged with tags from Monarch Watch and the tag numbers were added to a database so that they can be tracked if they are recaptured!

Miss Jess (an amazing Washington custodian) stopped by study hall before a game & asked if the team ever ate before a game. The answer was 'only if they bring something.' So, before their home game against Fassett, Miss Jess supplied pizza for a team dinner! She is so awesome!

Mr. MacKenzie, (wife, Kara and Meaghan from ODNRs H2Ohio) took the Whitmer Science Environmental Club on a kayaking trip on the Maumee River! They paddled around Audubon Island - a state nature preserve and saw bald eagles and other wildlife along the way. Thank you, Mr. M!