Ohio Senate Bill 29 - Amended by Ohio House Bill 432
Ohio House Bill 432
Summary of Changes to SB 29 (Items affecting 72 hour notices / daily emails)
The following Triggers have been removed and will no longer be reported on a daily basis
1) Your student's internet use was monitored by the school district
5) Your student's internet use was monitored in compliance with federal and/or state laws
6) Your student's internet use was monitored in compliance with federal and/or state funding program
The following triggers remain in effect
2) A judicial warrant or other legal request to review student activity was completed
3) Your student's district device has been placed into lost / stolen mode
The Chromebook has been deactivated
The device's location tracking feature has been activated
Once the device has been returned the tracking will be disabled and the Chromebook will be reactivated
4) Your student's internet activities were flagged as a potential health or safety concern
If the activity was deemed to not be a "false positive" someone from the school response team will have already contacted a guardian
Practical Effect
Before HB 432 -- 5,360 out of 6,859 students (78%) had emails sent to their guardians on a daily basis
After HB 432 -- 43 out of 6,859 students (.06%) will have emails sent to their guardians on a daily basis
The Lightspeed Parent Portal will still be available to review your student's internet activities on a daily basis
Annual General Notice to Guardians
This letter is sent to all guardians every school year
Last sent to all Guardians 10/24/2024
Sample of the email that will be sent to guardians of students that have used technology the previous day
List of Approved Vendors / Websites / Services (in process) --> https://wlsoh.info/ApprovedDigitalResources
List of vendors working with Washington Local Schools to provide technology service that may involve student data as per Ohio Revised Code Sections 149.43, 3319.31, 3319.325, 3319.326,
and 3319.327
Guardians who have submitted their email through PowerSchool for their student can use this tool to review the detailed web activities of their student
Lightspeed: Parent Portal for Parents (PDF Introduction, Create an account, review student activities)
These documents describe the rights and responsibilities of students and staff when using district technology including devices, account, and internet access
Information about the student one-to-one program for devices including annual insurance and costs for repairs
WLS Questions About 1-to-1 / Chromebooks
Please use this form to submit questions about anything technology related
Information about the district's Student Privacy Policies including student directory information
A link to the bill itself
This is one of the tools Washington Local Uses to monitor activity for safety concerns
Lightspeed Systems - Compliance – Ohio SB 29
Lightspeed Filter is the primary internet filtering tool used by Washington Local Schools
Lightspeed Classroom enables teachers of record to monitor student internet activity