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District Profile
The Washington Local School District covers 17 square miles in Toledo, Ohio, serving approximately 7,000 students at eight elementary schools, two single-grade junior highs, and a comprehensive high school campus.
Academic Initiatives
DIBELS ® (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) is a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of literacy skills. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures that can be used to regularly detect risk and monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills. Washington Local uses DIBELS for grades k-6.
NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) provides data on student growth and addressing students' needs for additional enrichment, remediation, or intervention. Washington Local Schools uses NWEA MAP Assessments (math and reading) for grades 1-8.
Orton-Gillingham is a highly structured literacy approach that breaks reading and spelling down into smaller skills involving letters and sounds, and then building on these skills over time. It was the first approach to use explicit, direct, sequential, systematic, multi-sensory instruction to teach reading, which is not only effective for all students but essential for teaching students with dyslexia.
Whitmer High School
Whitmer High School, which includes the Career and Technology Center, offers 200 courses, honors and AP classes, 15 career training programs, 22 varsity sports, more than 50 extracurricular activities, and an extensive array of opportunities in art, music, and theatre.
Whitmer students may earn three types of diplomas: Traditional Diploma, Diploma with Honors, and Career-Technology Diploma with Honors.
Advanced Placement Courses
Whitmer’s Advanced Placement courses include Chemistry, English, U.S. Government, U.S. History, Calculus, Statistics and Spanish.
College Credit Plus (CC+)
College-ready students in grades seven through twelve may also earn high school graduation and college credit through successful completion of college courses in Ohio’s College Credit Plus program.
Career and Technology Center
The The CTC offers 15 career training programs: Advanced Manufacturing, Automotive Technology, Computer Networking, Construction Technology, Cosmetology, Criminal Justice, Culinary Arts, Engineering Technology, Job Training, Marketing, Media Arts, Medical Assisting, Medical Technology, Teaching Professions and Welding & Metal Technology.
Career tech programs offer real world experience through on-campus customer service, job shadowing, mentoring and internships. CTC students obtain industry-recognized certifications before they graduate from Whitmer, and articulation agreements make it possible to earn high school and college credit concurrently.
Community Service
Students and staff across the district volunteer time and energy for a variety of service and outreach projects. The Community Halloween Party and Yard Fest (raking leaves in WLS neighborhoods) are wonderful examples of coming together each fall to serve our community.
The Washington Local School District also participates in the NW Ohio Food Drive to help feed families in Northwest Ohio. In May, 2014, Washington Local Schools was named the nation's first Purple Heart School District in recognition of its efforts to honor veterans. Schools throughout our district raise funds for veterans and hold assemblies to recognize and celebrate the service of veterans.
Our schools hold Hoops for Heart and other fundraisers for the American Heart Association, host games of “pink” to support breast cancer research, and hold blood drives for the Red Cross. The Career and Technology Center hosts an annual Senior Citizen Prom for WLS residents ages 55 and over. We are blessed to have a community which is very supportive of our schools and students, and WLS students staff reach out, give back, and connect with our neighbors.
The Community Closet at Whitmer provides clothing to students and families throughout the district. All school counselors have forms to request items. Items are provided on an as needed basis for students and families in need. Please contact Sabrina Wilson at swilson@wls4kids.org or 419-473-7857 for additional information. Donations of new and used clothing are collected in all sizes — newborn through adult — for redistribution to those in our community in need. Youth sizes, men's sizes small and medium, and socks and underwear are the greatest current needs. Donations may be dropped off at Whitmer in Room 226 or at the Security Desk.
Washington Local is proud to partner with United Way and Community Shares and to provide our employees the option to contribute to these worthwhile organizations via payroll deduction, as well as traditional payment methods.
Washington Local’s annual Candlelight Walk is a special tradition which unites our community as we support students choosing to be drug, alcohol, and tobacco free. Families and staff from across the school district attend to show their commitment to keep our kids safe and help them make the best choices. The Whitmer High School marching band and cheerleaders keep the energy high as we recognize essay winners from each building, make student and parent pledges, and walk around the Whitmer campus.