Technology Acceptable Use Policy

The Internet and all of the technology resources available through the Washington Local School District computer network can provide amazing, informational and instructional resources. The Internet can also be a source of misinformation, school inappropriate items, and dangerous things such as computer viruses and identity theft. The district does utilize various tools to both monitor and filter all Internet, network and e-mail activity. No tool is perfect so the district needs students and staff to report items that may be inappropriate for further review. The resources below will help explain various laws and Board Policies that limit what students and staff can do using the district's network and computer equipment. There are also links to additional resources to help families better understand and safely use the Internet.


What is an AUP?

An AUP (or Acceptable Use Policy) describes what students and staff may and may not do while using district technology resources. This includes both hardware such as computers and the network such as when saving files or browsing the Web.

What does is all mean?

  • District technology is to be used for educational purposes

  • Students and staff use is always being filtered and monitored

  • The Web pages that are visited are recorded

  • Search terms are recorded

  • Web sites that have been identified as school inappropriate are blocked

  • Violating the AUP can result in disciplinary action

Links to School Board Policies

Online Resources

(This site has specific area for parents, educators, kids, tweens and teens)
(A great collection of topics including Internet, Social Media, Smartphones and email / texting)

Internet Safety Center
(This site covers a wide variety of topics including internet safety, identity theft, kids safety, malware and more.)
Please use your favorite search engine to find even more resources on Internet Safety.

SB-29 Information