Panther Virtual Academy Principal
Email Mrs. Kim Eltschlager
Phone: 419-473-8405


Mrs. Kim Eltschlager

Panther Virtual Academy staff
Questions regarding Apex such as unlocking assignments or student progress:
Mr. Verdell Billingsley - Whitmer students with last name A-J
Mr. Nick Whetstone - Whitmer students with last name K-Q
Ms. Rhea Young - Whitmer students with last name R-Z
Mr. Ryan VanSlambrouck - Whitmer Intervention Specialist A-Z
Mrs. Tracy Hovest - All students in grades 6-9th grades A-Z
Questions regarding Panther Virtual Academy such as enrollment or attendance:
Mrs. Kim Eltschalger- PVA Administrator

Our staff cannot wait to help you navigate your school experience online.
While the platform may be online, you are never more than a few steps away from help from our knowledgeable and kind staff!
Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
If you are interested in a PVA application for the 2023-24 school year, please talk to your school counselor.
PVA Student of the Week
WLS-PVA Information Grid